Adhesive Vinyl Bumper Sticker
You can choose to purchase one decal or buy in bulk
- 3 Bumper Stickers for $3.50 each
- 10 Bumper Stickers for $2.85 each
The decal can be removed without leaving any residue, but will not be reusable after removal. To remove your bumper sticker, warm it up first because cold vinyl is brittle and breaks off in pieces. A hair dryer works great for warming your decal. After you can feel that the sticker is warm to the touch, use a plastic putty knife to lift one of the corners. Grab the corner and pull, while at the same time pushing the plastic putty knife under the decal. Once your decal is off, you can remove any glue with some citrus cleaner. Citrus cleaner neutralizes the adhesive.